Complaint Policy

Complaint Policy for Kobotrade Inc Canada

1. Introduction

At Kobotrade we are committed to providing our customers with excellent service. However, we understand that sometimes things can go wrong, and our customers may need to make a complaint. This policy outlines the steps our customers should follow to make a complaint and how we will handle and resolve their complaints.

2. How to Make a Complaint

Customers can make a complaint by contacting us in any of the following ways:

When making a complaint, customers should provide us with their name, contact details, and a clear description of the issue they are experiencing.

3. Complaint Handling Process

Once we receive a complaint, we will acknowledge it within two business days. We will then investigate the complaint and provide our customers with a response within five business days.

If we need more time to investigate the complaint, we will inform the customer of the expected timeframe for a resolution.

4. Escalation

If a customer is not satisfied with our initial response, they can request that their complaint be escalated to a senior staff member or our designated complaints officer. We will provide the contact details of the relevant person or office to the customer upon request.

5. Complaint Record Keeping

We will keep a record of all complaints received, including details of the complaint, actions taken to investigate and resolve the complaint, and the outcome of the complaint. This information will be used to identify areas for improvement in our services and will be made available to regulatory authorities upon request.

6. Review and Update

We will review and update this complaint policy regularly to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

7. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about our complaint policy, please contact us at +1 (587) 287-1362